Wednesday, October 10, 2012

1) Islands in focus: Passengers injured in Papua chopper incident

1) Islands in focus: Passengers injured in Papua chopper incident
2) Foreign Interference Discourses on Politics in West Papua
3) MK turns down judicial review on Intelligence Law
4) Danny Kogoya, an OPM leader had his leg amputated after being arrested

1) Islands in focus: Passengers injured in Papua chopper incident

JAYAPURA: A number of passengers reportedly suffered minor injuries when a Mil-8 Hevilift helicopter carrying 26 passengers and three crew members was forced to make an emergency landing near Mile 66 in Tembagapura, Mimika, Papua, on Tuesday.

The helicopter, operated by PT Hevilift Aviation Indonesia and chartered by US-based mining giant PT Freeport Indonesia, flew from Timika to Tembagapura.

The helicopter lost altitude near a mountain cliff before making a hard landing. There were no casualties in the incident.

Ramdani Sirait, PT Freeport Indonesia spokesman, said that the main cause of the accident had not yet been determined.

Mimika Air Transportation Unit head John Rettob said that the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) would investigate the matter.

2) Foreign Interference Discourses on Politics in West Papua

Amatus Douw September 25, 2012

Foreign interference for global security, political and human rights development became very sophisticated matter to delivery very trouble region of West Papua. A little foreign government reaction on massive escalation of extra judicial murder and custody was remarked since many state members reminded Indonesian government to uphold human rights law for West Papuan during Human Rights Council meeting on last May. Currently after international warning to Indonesia, on 14 of June extra judicial murder of West Papuan independence leader of Mako Tabuni was involved global anti terrorists unit or 88 detachments heavily funded by Australia and USA. This incident became public critics to the government of Australia, foreign minister promised to send a special representation, but more importantly is encouraging Indonesia for foreign journalist, activists, and diplomat freely access into conflict region. While US government has been pushing Indonesia to open dialogue agenda and effective implementation of special autonomy status, and other donator countries for 88 detachment unit clearly have no reaction. Foreign government need to intervene on that incident, not only remains Indonesia but also further action in resolving the root of political dispute in the country. This matter should be discussed in the public debate session at UN General Assembly on 25 September- 1 October based on their main theme is judgment and settlement international disputes; by peaceful means.........................

3) MK turns down judicial review on Intelligence Law

A- A A+
The Constitutional Court (MK) on Wednesday turned down a judicial review filed against the 2011 law No. 17 on intelligence, saying that the current law appropriately regulated intelligence practices in Indonesia.
The court turned down 16 provisions filed by the plaintiffs, which comprised of several human rights watchdogs, the Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI), and several victims of intelligence operation, including Suciwati, widow of slain activist Munir Said Thalib.
“The court turns down all clauses filed by the plaintiffs,” said Constitutional Court Chief Justice Mahfud MD.
Court justice Akil Mochtar said that the Intelligence Law, which was endorsed by the House of Representatives in October last year, would improve the professionalism of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN).
“The fact that the intelligence body has committed several human rights violations in the past opens our eyes to the fact that we need a comprehensive regulation on intelligence practices,” Akil said.
The law was endorsed to ensure the safety of citizens against inappropriate intelligence practices, he added.
Akil said that the law had been made in accordance with the 1945 Indonesian Constitution and the 2008 law No. 14 on the transparency of public information.
The plaintiffs, including human rights watchdog Imparsial, the Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (Elsam), Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) and Setara Institute, filed the judicial review in January.
They said that the intelligence law would provide room for other forms of human rights violations and could harm the freedom of the press. The coalition said that some provisions of the law could violate the constitutional rights of citizens, because they were not in line with human rights or the Constitution. (lfr)

From Tapol
4) Danny Kogoya, an OPM leader had his leg amputated after being arrested

[Note: This report from Cenderawasih Pos says that OPM leader Danny Koyoga's right leg had to be amputated after he suffered a serious leg wound as a result of gunshots during his arrest. A local police officer confirmed this and added that following the amputation, Danny was still under heavy guard by the police 'in case of undesirable events following the arrest'. The policeman said that he had been shot and seriously wounded as he tried to escape arrest. The seven Papuans who were with Danny at the time of his arrest are still being hunted down by the police. TAPOL]

Kaki Danny Kogoya Terpaksa Diamputasi

October 7, 2012
Cendrawasih Pos

JAYAPURA – Kaki kanan pimpinan Organisasi Papua Merdeka di wilayah
Kota Jayapura, Danny Kogoya yang tertembak aparat saat dilakukan
penangkapan Minggu malam (2/9) lalu akhirnya harus diamputasi di Rumah
Sakit Bhayangkara, Jayapura.

Informasi yang diterima Cenderawasih Pos dari sumber terpercaya
mengatakan bahwa kaki kanan Danny Kogoya terpaksa harus diamputasi
oleh tim medis Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara karena luka tembak yang dialami
Danny Kogoya menghancurkan tulang keringnya.

Hal ini juga dibenarkan oleh Juru Bicara Polda Papua Komisaris Besar
Polisi Drs. Johannes Nugroho Wicaksono saat dikonfirmasi wartawan
Selasa (4/9) kemarin.

"Saat ini kondisi Danny Kogoya mulai membaik. Hanya masih menjalani
perawatan intensif di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara, Kotaraja, pascaoperasi
pada kaki kanannya yang diamputasi," paparnya.

Walaupun Danny Kogoya masih dalam perawatan medis, Johannes
mengungkakan, pihaknya tetap melakukan pengamanan di Rumah Sakit
Bhayangkara. "Danny tetap dikawal ketat guna mengantisipasi adanya
hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan," tuturnya.

Pihaknya menjelaskan, amputasi ini adalah langkah yang terbaik
dilakukan oleh tim medis terhadap Danny. Mengingat luka tembak yang
dialami Danny Kogoya sudah parah, sehingga ini jalan untuk
menyelamatkan nyawa Danny Kogoya.

"Akibat mencoba melarikan diri, Danny Kogoya terpaksa dilumpuhkan
dengan timah panas. Yang mana mengenai tulang kering pada kaki
kanannya dan sudah tidak bisa menopang (patah). Jalan yang terakhir
diambil tim medis adalah melakukan amputasi pada kaki kanan Danny,
karena apabila tidak diamputasi, dikhawatirkan nyawanya tidak bisa
diselamatkan," ucapnya.

Pihaknya hingga saat ini juga masih melakukan pengembangan guna
mencari dan mengetahui para tersangka lainnya yang terlibat dalam
aksi-aksi yang dilakukan oleh Danny Kogoya dan CS.

"Saat ini tersangkanya masih tetap 8. Jadi belum ada tambahan
tersangka. Akan tetapi, kami tidak akan memutuskan kasus ini hingga di
sini. Jadi kami masih memintai keterangan para tersangka, yang juga
untuk melengkapi berkas masing-masing tersangka," terangnya.

Kabid Humas Johannes juga menegaskan, akibat apa yang dilakukan Danny
Kogoya dan 7 rekannya selama ini, pihaknya menjerat mereka dengan
pasal 170 KUHP terkait dengan kekerasan di muka umum, termasuk kasus
penembakan terhadap warga asing di Base G, Jayapura Utara dan pasal
338 terkait pembunuhan, dengan ancaman pidana di atas 15 tahun

"Kedelapan tersangka kami kenakan pasal berlapis. Mengingat kejahatan
mereka sangat banyak. Dan apabila kami menemukan kasus lain atas
keterlibatan mereka. Bisa jadi pasal yang mengikat mereka bisa
bertambah," tegasnya (ro/fud)

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